Episode 3-The growing population of Perth & the impact on house prices in 2023 and beyond- Audio

A growing population impacts Perth’s house prices in 2023 and beyond.

In this episode Tony and Catherine delve into the fascinating topic of Perth’s growing population and its significant impact on property prices in the year 2023 and beyond. They explore the various factors contributing to this population growth and how it directly affects the real estate market in Perth.

Listen in as Tony and Catherine explore deeper into the specific factors driving Perth’s population growth and how they intertwine with the real estate market. We will also explore potential solutions and strategies that can help address the challenges posed by rising house prices. This will ensure a sustainable future for both residents and investors.

Stay tuned as we navigate the intricate relationship between Perth’s growing population and its impact on house prices in 2023 and beyond.

In this episode:

  • Market outlook, Perth-based investors, and cost of housing
  • Projected number of people coming in annually
  • On different ways to invest in properties
  • Rental Crisis in Perth, huge supply and demand gap
  • Factors behind low vacancy rate of 0.6%
  • Trends: FIFO, dual living homes, workers coming in
  • Expecting a massive influx of students
  • The changing profile of who is building.
  • Land banking strategies and fast-moving blocks.
  • It’s safer to talk to us before buying or investing.
  • Opportunities in the market right now.


About Build Out West Podcast:

We created Build Out West Podcast to educate people about home building, and provide valuable information related to the builder broker game. Our industry experience gives us a unique insight into the nuances of builder relations and how it ties up to the other aspects of the build including land, and finances. Different markets and changes need different builders. Our industry linkages give us the ability to match you with the right builder for the job.


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